Review your Mission Statement Today
Success of every individual and organization lies in their mission statement. Your ability to communicate your mission statement with several people will determine your success.
What are mission statements? Mission statements are coined out from the vision statement. It is the statement that clearly show what you and your organization does. It gives you a sense of direction and moves you towards achieving your organizational goals.
Your mission statement should be clear and understood by everyone even the lay men. And, the act and work of everyone in the organization should be guided by the mission statement.
Some mission statements are vague, ambiguous and cannot be easily communicated. Therefore I will be educating us on how to create a mission statement.
N.B: 1. A mission statement must declare your purpose.
2. A mission statement must include method of achieving your purpose.
3. While communicating it, it should include measurable terms. It should be measurable.
E.g Kayfactor Leadership and Career Academy Mission Statement;
To help young people discover their purpose and forge trajectory for their lives (Purpose) through entrepreneurial, leadership and character Education using the Interest - Strength Model (Method). Through our programs we look forward to reaching millions of young people accross Africa ( Measure).
A mission statement should be reviewed often due to changes in technology, market and other observable demography.
The reason why some companies or organization have failed to move forward is because the mission statement is not adaptable to change. The vision and core values statement can stand but the mission statement should be often checked.
Review your Mission Statement Today!
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What are mission statements? Mission statements are coined out from the vision statement. It is the statement that clearly show what you and your organization does. It gives you a sense of direction and moves you towards achieving your organizational goals.
Your mission statement should be clear and understood by everyone even the lay men. And, the act and work of everyone in the organization should be guided by the mission statement.
Some mission statements are vague, ambiguous and cannot be easily communicated. Therefore I will be educating us on how to create a mission statement.
N.B: 1. A mission statement must declare your purpose.
2. A mission statement must include method of achieving your purpose.
3. While communicating it, it should include measurable terms. It should be measurable.
E.g Kayfactor Leadership and Career Academy Mission Statement;
To help young people discover their purpose and forge trajectory for their lives (Purpose) through entrepreneurial, leadership and character Education using the Interest - Strength Model (Method). Through our programs we look forward to reaching millions of young people accross Africa ( Measure).
A mission statement should be reviewed often due to changes in technology, market and other observable demography.
The reason why some companies or organization have failed to move forward is because the mission statement is not adaptable to change. The vision and core values statement can stand but the mission statement should be often checked.
Review your Mission Statement Today!
Thank you for reading!
Department Of Pre-University Education (PUE) Karnataka Every Year Conducts PUC Examination in the Months of March, Kar PUC Exam will Start on 1st Week of March and Continue up to the 3rd Week of March, Karnataka II PUC Question Paper Every year 8 laks of Students Attempt this Annual Exam, Pre-University Course Popularly abbreviated to PUC is an intermediate Course (which is known as 10+2) of Two years’ Duration, Conducted by State Education Institutions or Boards in India Department Of Pre-University Education (PUE) Karnataka Every Year Conducts PUC Examination in the Months of March, Kar PUC Exam will Start on 1st Week of March and Continue up to the 3rd Week of March, Every year 8 laks of Students Attempt this Annual Exam, Pre-University Course Popularly abbreviated to PUC is an intermediate Course (which is known as 10+2) of Two years’ Duration, Conducted by State Education Institutions or Boards in India